load data from temporary file

In [1]:
import mutils.io as mio
dat = mio.mload('tmp.dat')
sdt_kin_r = dat['sdt_kin_r']
sdt_kin_r_noIC = dat['sdt_kin_r_noIC']
sdt_param_r = dat['sdt_param_r']

In [2]:
s_kin_reord_r = hstack([sdt_kin_r[:, [0,20,21]], sdt_kin_r_noIC])
p1 = dot(sdt_param_r.T, pinv(s_kin_reord_r.T))
# alternatively, compute predictors using the lstsq-function
#p2, _,_, _ = lstsq(sdt_kin_r, sdt_param_r, )
#p2 = p2.T
#allclose(p1, p2) # results in "True"

u,s,v = svd(p1, full_matrices = False)
# the rows of v span the space where our features live

In [7]:
qv,rv = qr(v) # rv spans the same subspace as v
#prv = dot(rv.T, rv) # projector on "rv" subspace
#print allclose(prv, dot(prv, prv)) # True -> is a projector
#print allclose(dot(prv, v.T), v.T) # True -> projects into the same subspace as v
rv2 = rv.copy()
# make "identity" 3x3 block
rv2[1,:] -= rv2[2, :] * rv2[1,2] / rv2[2,2]
rv2[0,:] -= rv2[1, :] * rv2[0,1] / rv2[1,1]
rv2[0,:] -= rv2[2, :] * rv2[0,2] / rv2[2,2]

# projector on last two rows (-space), and projector to orth. kompl.
p2 = dot(rv2[3:,:].T, rv2[3:, :])
ap = eye(41) - p2

# can we remove anything from the first 3 components?
rv3 = rv2.copy()
rv3[:3,:] = dot(ap,rv3[:3,:].T).T
print "are data unchanged?", allclose(rv2, rv3)

# visualize factors

are data unchanged? True

alternative approach:

  • first: compute everything that can be predicted using CoM state information
  • secondly: compute two "best" remaining predictors
  • (third): analyze these predictors

In [50]:
# this variant does not incorporate bootstrap!
#dat = mio.mload('tmp.dat')
#sdt_kin_r = dat['sdt_kin_r']
#sdt_kin_r_noIC = dat['sdt_kin_r_noIC']
#sdt_param_r = dat['sdt_param_r']
s_kin_CoM = s_kin_reord_r[:, :3]
s_kin_noCoM = s_kin_reord_r[:, 3:]

p_c = dot(sdt_param_r.T, pinv(s_kin_CoM.T)) # predictor matrix for CoM state

prediction_c = dot(p_c, s_kin_CoM.T).T
remainder = sdt_param_r - prediction_c

# compute the annihilator matrix for prediction_c
# this 
#M = dot(p_c, pinv(p_c)) # projector on columnspace of p_c
#remainder2 = dot((eye(5) - M), sdt_param_r.T).T

In [59]:
# TODO: use constrained least squares!
# Here: use the version from wikipedia :)
Y = sdt_param_r
X = s_kin_reord_r
print Y.shape, X.shape
beta = dot(pinv(X), Y)
# formulate constraint in this syntax:
# H0: Q.T beta = c
Q = vstack([zeros(3,3), one((38,3))])
print dot(Q.T, beta)
betaC = 0
#beta1 = hstack([eye(3), zeros(3,38)])
#beta2 =

(1957, 5) (1957, 41)
[[-0.07578836  0.1006066   0.65345936  0.18273519 -0.46722666]
 [ 0.15721321  0.05710575 -0.1216022  -0.40659151  0.13378005]
 [ 0.06111183 -0.12740712  0.11897112  0.04168046 -0.0549717 ]]

In [51]:
import mutils.statistics as st
figure(12, figsize=(16,8))
fac_vars = st.find_factors(s_kin_noCoM.T, remainder.T)
facs = st.find_factors(s_kin_noCoM.T, remainder.T, 2)
plot(fac_vars, 'kd--')
title('how much of the predictable variance\ncan be predicted using k factors')
xlabel('# of factors')
ylabel('relative predictable variance')
gca().set_xticklabels(arange(5) + 1)
pcolor(facs.T), colorbar(), clim(-1,1)
noCoM_lbls = ['r_anl_y - com_y', 'r_anl_x - com_x', 'r_mtv_z - r_anl_z', 'r_mtv_x - r_anl_x', 'r_kne_y - com_y',
             'r_elb_y - com_y', 'r_elb_x - com_x', 'r_wrl_z - com_z', 'r_wrl_x - com_x', 'cvii_y - com_y',
             'l_anl_y - com_y', 'l_anl_x - com_x', 'l_mtv_z - l_anl_z', 'l_mtv_x - l_anl_x', 'l_kne_y - com_y',
             'l_elb_y - com_y', 'l_elb_x - com_x', 'l_wrl_z - com_z', 'l_wrl_x - com_x', ]
all_lbls = noCoM_lbls + ['v_' + x for x in noCoM_lbls]
gca().set_yticks([.5, 1.5])
gca().set_xticks(arange(len(all_lbls)) + .5)
_ = gca().set_xticklabels(all_lbls, rotation=90)
title('weight on factors')

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x9e4a0d0>

In [ ]: